
The Importance Of Follow-Up

When interviewing for a job many people neglect this all-important step – follow-up. In fact, the simple act of following up correctly after an interview may be the difference-maker you...

Using The Internet In Your Job Search

The internet is a job-seeking gold mine. If you’re looking for a job, it may be your most useful tool. Here are six tips to use the internet for your...

When Getting a Lay Off Notice: 5 Things Not to Do

Job layoffs are happening all across the country. Nigerians in once-stable jobs are now finding themselves unemployed and standing in the unemployment line. For some, a job layoff comes as...

Grow Your Captive Audience With LinkedIn

The professional networking website LinkedIn was launched in 2003, and now boasts well over 400 million accounts (100 million of which are active). LinkedIn has firmly established itself as the...

How to Prepare for an Online Job

In the modern world, working online is becoming more and more common. There are perks for the employer and the employee – employers do not have to provide office space,...

What to Do When You Can’t Find a Job after a Layoff

If you were laid off from your job, you should actively be searching for a new one. Unfortunately, the search may not go as you had hoped. Millions of Nigerians...

What You Should Look for In a New Job

Are you interested in changing jobs? If you are, you may already have a dream job in mind. Although it is nice to dream, it is important that you keep...

This Is How To Get Found Faster On LinkedIn

The entire point of using social media is so that your target audience finds you. Simply creating a profile isn’t enough to help your audience find you. But, there are...

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